the goods are ready for shipment

What do I need to ask my supplier?

The Basics (to enable you to get a shipping quote)

Finding out from your supplier what terms they are willing to sell you the goods on is the first and most important thing. If the terms are FOB the next thing you need to find out is the outbound port. Once you know this, and you find out the volume of your shipment we are able to quote you for the transport from the port of loading to your delivery premises. If the terms are Ex Works, find out your suppliers address and the volume of the goods and we can provide the quote.

Do you have a valid export licence?

Asking your supplier if they have a valid export licence for the products they are selling to you is important. If they do, you can have peace of mind that you are dealing with an experienced company. If your supplier doesn’t have an export licence it’s not the end of the world, there may be a small fee billed to you for them to export the products but it does not mean you cannot bring the goods to the UK.

How will my goods be packaged?

The last thing you want is for your cargo to arrive at your door, and all your products are in pieces. Ensure that you discuss packaging with your supplier, request that the goods are tightly packed in to new boxes to limit your risk of damaging goods. We can provide insurance for goods but no one wants to go through that process, just make sure your supplier is aware of your requirements. Also makes sure your supplier is aware of the shipping marks that need to be on the cartons. You don’t want your goods being wrongly marked, we all know how that can end!

Shippo; What do I need to Ask?, trends

What is the lead time?

It’s important for your plans to know when the goods will be ready to ship. Once the goods are ready, you’ll be waiting up to 6 weeks to receive them so it helps to know by what date they will be ready to go. Moulds will need to be taken for certain products, and in some cases the ready date could be a month after you have made your order. Just ask so you know you’re not being left in the dark about anything.

What will I need to sell my products in the UK?

If you need specific requirements to sell your product in the UK such as Quality Standards, Organic Status or Licences for your industry then you should ask your supplier if they can provide these before ordering.  Don’t leave yourself with products that you’re not allowed to sell!

For more information on what to ask your supplier when placing your order, or if you’ve placed your order and need us to ship the goods call us on 0203 384 0498 or email

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