What does Shippo have in common with shipping giants FedEx and UPS?
We’ve all been targets of an email phishing scam using our domain names.
Not quite as glamorous as you would hope the answer to that question would be – but you really know you’ve made it when you’re bait for scams, right?
To preface this, we want to take a moment to clarify:
Shippo will never ask you to click foreign links. We direct our customers to our website, or occasionally to reputable government sites if they’re enquiring about extra information from HMRC. We will not send you a dubious quality link and ask you to click it. If someone does, it’s not us.
We always address our customers personally. When you email us, whether it’s for a quote or just for a little extra information, you will be assigned a team member who will then take care of you throughout the entire process. We value real interaction between real people – each of our customers are individuals and requires unique care to make their process as simple as possible. We never address our customers as “you”. (To that point, we always sign off our emails, so that you know exactly who you’re talking to.)
And we will never ask you to download something. When you are shipping, there are a lot of files and documentation that you will be sent – usually for your peace of mind – however, we will attach the files to the email and be very transparent about what they are and their purpose.
Unfortunately, it has recently come to our attention that a scam email is being sent using an email address that appears to be on our domain (@shippo.co.uk). An image of the email has been attached below:
To reiterate, this is a scam. This email is in no way associated with Shippo; it did not come from us. Most email browsers will identify it as a scam for you, but in case this email has slipped under the radar – do not click that link; block the sender and report the email.
We appreciate that this is an inconvenience and apologise sincerely to those who have received this email or been affected in any way; our IT department is working to ensure that we know where the email came from and that we do not have this issue again.
If you are worried or want to get in contact to learn more, feel free to email us at info@shippo.co.uk or call us at 0203 384 0498.
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